
Selasa, 28 Agustus 2012 - , , , 6 komentar

Mother's Hometown - TRIP

Hello readers :)
I just back from my mom's hometown in Pangkal Pinang, Bangka.
Tired but I'm happy. I left Jakarta on 16 August 2012 and arrived on 17 August.
I will share the photos :)

Our Belongings

The tuck boat was ready to pull my ship


Senin, 13 Agustus 2012 - , , 0 komentar

Happy Fasting - Day 24

Percaya deh! gw nulis ini dalam keadaan ngantuk :O hooooooooooaaaaammm
Ini akibat insomnia gw yang berkelanjutan. Gw ikutin cara yang ada di filmnya Mr. Bean yaitu ngitung domba, tapi tetep aja ngga ngaruh Man!
Bahkan pernah sampe udah deket sama waktu sahur, gw belum bisa tidur juga. Alhasil, pas sahur gw keluar kamar dengan muka zombie gw!
Parahnya dalam satu bulan ramadhan ini, gw udah 2 kali kena flu gara-gara insomnia gw ini. Oh GOD!
Dalam masa insomnia gw itu kerjaan gw ya cuma buka twitter, liat mention baru, liat twit si pacar dan selalu berharap gw bakal ketiduran. Tapi sayangnya ngga pernah berhasil buat ketiduran di depan layar handphone!
Insomnia gw ini mulai kronis pas si Apop pergi ke serang buat ngejalanin masa pra ospeknya. Apa mungkin ini efek kangen gw ke Apop ya! (♥.♥ ʃ⌣ƪ)
Ngga tau kenapa ya perasaan gw campur aduk sekarang semenjak si Apop pergi ;(

Sabtu, 04 Agustus 2012 - , 2 komentar

Break Fasting Menu In Various Countries

Many moslems are scattered in this hemisphere.
They have break fasting menu each other.


Indonesia have break fasting menu,the name is Kolak. Kolak is like a dessert because the sweet taste but it's grouping in the appetizer because we eat this in the first part of break fasting. The contents of kolak are can be banannas, cassava, sweet pottato or a mixture of all three with a sauce made from coconut milk and brown sugar.


From a series of traditional tempting menu in Turkey, there is a menu that only appears during the holy month that is Roti Pide. Roti Pide was made from flour dough, yeast, olive oil, warm water and pure milk. It usually served with yogurt and nigela beans for the toppings.


Lebanon has familiar break fasting menu, that is Tabbouleh. Tabbouleh is like a salad. The Tabbouleh taste is sourness. Tabbouleh is made from wheat, tomato, parsley, and mint leave. 


Samosa is a traditional fried pastry was made from maida flour, potatoes, onions, mincemeat, and many spices. Samosa is  served with chutney sauce.